Process Improvement
Project Organization
Critical structure : Your project – and every project we do – starts with the basics. Guided by our project manager, Project Organization includes a number of important first steps: Ensuring that the executive sponsor can eliminate barriers and provide the necessary resources. Setting up the project team structure.
Current State
Essential discovery : The successful transformation of your business requires, first, a thorough assessment of your Current State. This critically important, Lean-influenced business process analysis, maps core business processes and functions, identifies gaps in efficiency and productivity, gathers key performance metrics, and produces documentation that makes it easy to see inefficient, wasteful and redundant effort.
Education & Visioning
Necessary foundation : An underappreciated but key component of the BPI process, Visioning & Education brings you, your team and your organization’s executives up-to-date on the capabilities of today’s technologies (and the possibilities and opportunities they offer), educates you on current best practices, helps you imagine your processes transformed, creates a platform to define a future state, and prepares your team to effectively evaluate potential solutions.
Future State
Valuable vision :The conceptualization and definition of your organization’s Future State is critically important: Knowing the destination improves project focus, shortens implementation timeframe, prevents detours, eliminates wasted energy and expense, and shortens time-to-benefit. Most important, a documented future state will inform the software selection process and drive your digital transformation forward.
Business Case for Change
Required rationale :This final step organizes the information and insight gathered in all the previous steps. And it answers your most important question – Why? – by establishing the goals of your project and validating the improvements offered by your redesigned business processes. What’s more, it provides a scorecard that can be used to assess your progress toward, and achievement of, your transformation goals.